Eric Edwards
ASIC/Logic Designer

I do ASIC design. Or, more accurately, I do logic design. None of the products I have worked on were intended to be specific to a single board design. That is, they were standard products. I have also designed with Altera FPGA's.

The board shown below is a project that I built before getting hired for my first design job. The board layout is deliberately simple.

I am a versatile engineer. I build logic. I write test benches. I do blue sky product definition. I own a logic analyzer and I know how to use it. I can even analyze algorithms using tools like Matlab. Most of the HTML on this site was created by hand or was generated by perl scripts that I wrote. This page is hosted on a Sun server than I own and administer. In short, I can do pretty much anything that needs doing, even if it is not on my résumé.

I am also a creative engineer. I have created new data mapping algorithms to reduce transmission error rate. Faced with a software team that was clambering for reduced interrupt overhead, and a hardware team reluctant to re-work everything vectorized, I created new hybrid structure that solved the problem in a matter of days.

Sound like someone you need? If you are reading this then I am probably still available. Take a look at my résumé and let's get together.

Full board: front