Under african skys

Wed, 2 Jan 2002 03:16:46 +0800

I arrived in Nairobi yesterday. Unfortunately, the luggage won't get here until tomorrow. So yesterday I had to make an unscheduled expedition to the center city to get enough essentials to last the night. It went ok. Nairobi isn't the safest place in the world but it is manageable. Some things are rather amazingly cheap. The mosquito net in my luggage cost me $25. The one I bought yesterday was $4.

I put down a deposit on a 7 days Masa Mara/Sumbaru safari yesterday. The cost is reasonable but, after looking up the tour company (come to africa), I'm thinking of just eating the deposit and going with someone else. Once I leave here, I'm going to go to a real travel agency.

The hostel experience is not quite what I had expected. The place is nearly deserted and there are a significant number "locals". It's rather odd to see someone in a full suit a tie at a hostel. The first 3 non-african travelers I met were all over 40, 2 over 60. Maybe this is just because of New Years.


My first pad in Africa - Nairobi Youth Hostel

Nairobi Youth Hostel